
Proceedings: The MLMI 2016 proceedings will be published as a volume in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.

Paper Formatting: Papers are limited to eight pages. Papers should be formatted in Lecture Notes in Computer Science style. Style files can be found on the Springer website. The file format for submissions is Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). Other formats will not be accepted.

Blind review: MLMI reviewing is double blind: authors do not know the names of the reviewers of their papers, and reviewers do not know the names of the authors.

Submission: MLMI is using an online submission system here.

Supplemental material: Supplemental material submission is optional. This material may include: videos of results that cannot be included in the main paper, anonymized related submissions to other conferences and journals, and appendices or technical reports containing extended proofs and mathematical derivations that are not essential for understanding of the paper. Contents of the supplemental material should be referred to appropriately in the paper and that reviewers are not obliged to look at it.

Simultaneous submissions: Our policy is that in submitting a paper, authors implicitly acknowledge that NO paper of substantially similar content has been or will be submitted to another conference or workshop until MLMI decisions are made.